Time is flying, I can not believe
it is last quater of 2014, what a whirlwind year for
me, well, one of the things make me feel sooo proud
of myself this year is to learn Belly dance especially
to join Sophia's professional class at Desert Roses.
I respect their professionalism, Sophia and lily never
give in to their standard in order to make their students
happy instead they try their best to inspire you, to
mold you , to shape you.
Being a good dancer is easy, being a good instructor
definitely is not easy, Sophia is beyond a good instructor
, she is a good friend. I often moved by her passion
not only into dance, but also friendship. She often
spend extra efforts and time on her students.
Would like to take this opportunity to appreciate Sophia
for all your efforts, encouragement and patience with
Desert Rose is the best choice of mine in 2014, hope
it is yours too.
"Due to my Arabic roots,
I have always been inspired by Belly dance and wanted
to learn.
After few years working in a male-dominant environment
(IT in investment banking), I was feeling a bit lost
with myself as a woman. I was not able to balance between
this demanding and pressurized
environment, my professional ambitions, and my personal
In parallel, I have been living as an expat since 2008
and was in need to reconnect with the Arab culture that
I was missing a lot.
That’s how the call for Belly dance became louder and
I finally jumped into that world.
I have been practicing for 18 months and I see it as
a complete way to connect with my femininity.
Belly dancing enables me to express myself as woman,
confident, seductive, sensitive, generous and vulnerable.
It is also a perfect, fun and complete workout for body
My first public performance with The Desert Roses was
a blast! I feel that I have taken a huge step in finding
my own voice. I am grateful to have this beautiful channel
of expressing myself and to meet such
inspiring and beautiful women as The Desert Roses!
Eva: 在来沙漠玫瑰学习肚皮舞之前,我是有接触过肚皮舞的,当时自认为基本功还不错。但通过第一个月表演班的系统学习后,发现自己跳舞的时候没有表情,其实有很多动作尤其一些跨部动作是做得不够到位的,发力点不正确同时也没有很好地运用到腹部的力量。现在已经慢慢地纠正自己身上的遗留的错误,希望自己会比以前变得更加地专业。
感谢 Sophia 这一个月来的耐心教导。 sophia 老师是一位热心亲和的好老师,只要我们有什么问题
sophia 老师都会一一清楚解答问题, sophia 老师很负责,在这里我发觉 sophia 老师和沙漠玫瑰的创始人
Lily 都是很热心和耐心有亲和力的对我们每位学员的指导,就觉得像很好朋友一样。和学院每位同学交流和在课堂呆在一起有种很开心的感觉,也很喜欢听她们分享经历,感谢
Lily ,认识了你我才有机会做世界冠军 sophia 的学生,现在也很荣幸在沙漠玫瑰教课,非常感谢 Lily
和 sophia 老师给我这个机会。感恩有你们的教学和指导,我才能有今天的成绩。肚皮舞给人带来的不仅仅是美,也不仅仅是一种运动,它能表达出舞者的优雅和自信。它也为心灵与身体建立了一种精神纽带。你可以象蝴蝶、海浪、流水一样欢快与自由。当你翩翩起舞时,你体内的女神让你变得更优雅、更有力量、更加性感。它是女士探索自身的舞蹈,是对身体和内心世界的探险。谢谢沙漠玫瑰给我带来的改变,以后我会更加努力的。
RX: 第一次接触肚皮舞就被它的美所吸引,进而去尝试跳肚皮舞,最后爱上这个舞蹈。它带给我的不仅是自信、美丽,还有友谊。在学习、比赛的过程中交到了志同道合的朋友,和朋友们一起练舞也成了每个礼拜最期待的时刻。所以我不愿放弃肚皮舞,要一直学一直跳,跳遍世界,交到更多热爱肚皮舞的朋友。
Dandan: 不知不觉自己学习肚皮舞已经小半年了也越来越发现学习肚皮舞需要的是一种坚持,起初得练习真的是既枯燥又乏味,几个动作重复来重复去,后来慢慢发现原来这种枯燥与乏味是为了给以后得成品舞奠定更好得基础
I was inspired by the artistry of
Belly Dance, after chancing upon a performance
a few years ago. Following my son's birth, I was
excited to get back in shape and belly dancing was the
perfect combination of dance plus fitness. After
several months of dance classes, I felt ready to enrol
in the Pro Performing Course and after which, the Pro
Instructor Course. The months of preparation and practice
were challenging and motivated me to expect even more
from myself. My experiences from the start of my belly
dancing journey has been extremely enjoyable. Though I've
been dancing since age 5, this is the 1st time that
a dance form has sparked such a high level of passion
within me and I'm simply captivated... I began belly
dancing purely as a physical workout, however what
it has given me, is a true sense of self...a beautiful
way to express confidence and happiness from within!
Instructor & course structure review: As I've
taken 2 comprehensive courses under Sophia, I feel that
since day 1, I've received very detailed instruction
and corrections from Sophia. Her instruction and
corrections are clear, easy to follow and to execute
(in class or self practice). She expects a good
amount of effort from us and it shows that Sophia
truly cares about how much we can improve (as
it's only within a few months) so
that we can aim to realise our full potential.
It was helpful that the perf. course had 'self-prac.
technique homework' required each week, during
the course & I feel that future Instructor
course students would also benefit from required
technique 'homework' as well. :) Overall, it was
a great experience & I'm really glad that I
joined both courses!
I am glad that I have taken up the
Pro-instructor course with Master Sophia Meng at Desert
Roses. In this 2 1/2 months intensive training,
I have built confidence, improved my techniques and
mastered practical teaching skills.
Sophia is such a talented master and she is more than
willing to share her passion and knowledge with us.
With her encouragement, I am motivated to work hard
toward my goal. It is indeed an enjoyable journey
and I am looking forward to share my knowledge in the
near future. Thank you Sophia for your guidance
and sharing your wonderful experience.
o master and be a professional belly
dancer will take years of discipline, practice and study.
I am glad and grateful to join Desert Roses Professional
Belly Dance Instructor course. The course taught me
to better myself as a belly dancer and how to be a dance
Sophia who conducted the course is an inspiration. She
is strict but very result oriented in the lesson. She
is very patience and caring which help me a lot.
Her classes has a series of combination and drilling
specially design for trainees teachers. From the course
we learn how to do sequence from how to start and end
a class, time control and various ways of explanation.
She also taught us how to conduct the class in a fun
and easy way.
Thank you Desert Roses for coming up with this course…
It was a great opportunity for any dancer who want to
develop themselves further not only just be able to
dance but to be able to teach a class.
以前觉得跳舞很好玩,很美, 可是我却没机会靠近舞蹈也不敢去想学跳舞因为太胖了所以没勇气去学。自从瘦下来慢慢的开始想去尝试跳舞的滋味但是有点害羞因为学跳舞必须投资很多。直到我来了新加坡工作想试试学肚皮舞,于是就上网找哪里可以学肚皮舞。尝试发简讯问几间学院到后来只有
Dessert Roses Studio 回我简讯,才让我真正有机会学到肚皮舞不像以前我在家乡学的肚皮舞。
3 个小时的运动,就在那晚哭了。也因为这一哭把压力给释放,我没放弃而是去找出为什么我有下苦功可是却被说成没有的原因。尝试自己录像自己练习的样子原来才发现老师所说的。从那晚后,我比平时更努力练习,每次练习都录像看看自己的缺点也发现我慢慢地进步了也慢慢得到老师的认同了。这一个人认同让我觉得自前的辛苦努力都赚回来了!
在这里,真的很谢谢 Sophia 和 Lily 给我那个机会来认识肚皮舞,让我慢慢的从喜欢变成非常喜欢肚皮舞,也让我知道只要肯努力,肯学,不会跳舞的人也会慢慢会跳舞了,让我有了目标前进!谢谢!